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The voice for Waimakariri’s indigenous




Photo by Deborah Wright

Who we are

The Waimakariri Biodiversity Trust is a charitable community trust that provides information, education and resources to support our community in protecting, restoring, creating and sustainably managing indigenous biodiversity throughout the district.

How we can help

If you are a landowner or community group wanting to enhance and protect native biodiversity at your site we can assist in accessing advice from experts in areas such as ecology, hydrology, fish and invertebrate identification, site planning, plant choice, maintenance,  predator control, funding and more.

Contact us to discuss your project.​​

Latest news

2025 Waimakariri Environment
Funding Guide2025

The Waimakariri Biodiversity Trust has released the first comprehensive funding guide for funds available to environment projects and organisations within the Waimakariri District and nationwide.

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Photo by Jeremy Sanson

Waimakariri biodiversity

The Waimakariri district comprises a range of natural habitats including important bush areas, foothills, alpine and high-country areas, dryland shrublands and tussock lands, braided rivers and salt marsh lagoons.

Native planting in the
Waimakariri District

Take a look at our native planting guides and restoration resources for the Waimakariri Zone to support a range of indigenous habitats and wildlife. 

Native Hebe Silverstream Reserve-1.jpg

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